
Our proposals are developed in conjunction with our partners, based on an intercultural
that helps define your needs, challenges, objectives and resources. With a proven methodology
tailored to the specific context and requests

International Skills

To rise effectively to today’s challenges, we work as part of an international team of
professionals: trainers, coaches, counselors, mediators, diplomats… all of whom are passionate about their
work and have robust experience. This is done flexibly and with a positive outlook.

Interdisciplinary approach

Since intercultural work calls on many cross-disciplinary skills, our approach is
multidisciplinary, drawing on knowledge, experience, research and practice.

An Intercultural pathway: the steps
Offer a theoretical, practical framework that sheds light on the ins-and-outs of intercultural

It helps you to acquire the basics, to delve deeper into the subject and to improve your own practice. The course was first offered in 1995, and has since been enriched by the experience and feedback of participants, ongoing training and practical experience.

Identify and develop the necessary intercultural skills and facilitate their implementation.

Based on progress reference frameworks that have been in use for many years. This is aimed at any person
and/or group with intercultural experience and, ideally, basic knowledge of the subject.

Make implementation a reality, by way of e.g. a diversity charter, action plans, intercultural governance.

This step addresses questions such as :

  • What stance and know-how are needed to act with diversity in mind?
  • How to become an intercultural leader?
  • What methods should be used to implement intercultural governance ?

Intercultural wellbeing© : Just what is it ?

Intercultural well-being© is at the core of our service. We help you understand the intercultural dimensions affecting this well-being to improve your living and working environment, or that of your organisation.

Catégories :
